Our parents and staff, but particularly our fantastic students tell us that Atharva College is a very special place. After "Laying the Foundation of Excellence", we continuously ensure that students enjoy college in a happy, safe and secure environment designed to fulfill their potential. Consequently, we pride ourselves on our reputation as a respectful, caring and dynamic college that places student welfare and progress at the heart of all that we do.

At Atharva College we are passionate about learning in every sense and match our clear focus on academic excellence with a strong commitment to personal, social and emotional development. All our students are individuals of whom we have the highest expectations. This aspiration underpins our culture of hard work and personal support making success both expected and natural.

The vibrant and energetic student community is encouraged to be tolerant and respectful of others and to become responsible citizens of the wider community.

Our students develop confidence and deep love of learning, accessing a huge range of academic, social, sporting and cultural opportunities.

A college may be a degree awarding educational institution. so ,college is meant not only to provide education in the country but also a strong base of youth power.  college is the place where one can get higher education for achiving his or her career goal . college is indeed necessary for each and every one.